80 Degrees Today

7 tips for working at home

Inevitably more people are working from home and encouraged to maintain productivity in their new locations. Remote workspaces do not always consist of a desk or table with easy access to printers, office files and administrative assistance. However, there are some simple changes you can make to your current situation to help make it the most productive and enjoyable area to spend your work day.

  • Designate a workspace – It would be fantastic to sit on the couch all day with your computer and phone, but this may not be feasible to be efficient. You need a space for paperwork or files, your morning cup of coffee, notebooks, video conferencing or more. Find a location that best suits you – it could be the kitchen table, a temporary table or the den. Choose an area that has a window or outside door that lets in plenty of natural light.

Health is a state of mind. Wellness is a state of being

  • Stick to a routine – especially with added members around the household like kids home from school. Maintain a daily schedule to get everyone started for the day. To help everyone stay on the same page you can even work together to write the schedule on paper and post it somewhere that everyone can easily follow along with the plan for the day.
  • Get dressed – It is all too easy to remain in those comfy pajamas all day when no one is going to see you behind the computer while you work. Signal your mind that it is time to wake up and go to work by ‘getting ready’. Take a shower, shave, get dressed in something other than pyjamas, put on makeup – mentally prepare yourself for work-mode.

The Challenge of Work-Life balance is without question one of the most significant struggles faced by modern man.

Stephen Covey
  • Tidy work space – Not only is it important to keep an organized work area to remove distractions and start the day with a clear space, but now, more than ever, it is crucial to be sure your office space is disinfected. Any time you return home be sure to wash your hands properly and frequently disinfect high trafficked surfaces like doorknobs, drawer handles, refrigerator doors and even the lesser thought of features like light switches, remotes and cell phones!

  • Communicate with your co-workers or management – It is understood that people are trying their best to juggle everything between work life and home life. When entering a meeting or phone call, let the person on the other end know that you are committed to your scheduled time but a momentary cry from a child could possibly delay you for a minute. Let your co-workers know that what hours you will be available to contact and hold meetings or calls. Be honest, many people are in the same situation and all we can do is move forward with compassion and kindness.

Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.

Mr Rogers
  • Minimize distractions – Working remotely from home for the first time takes a bit of a transition period. With the current situation and how fast everything is changing, you might not have had the opportunity to slowly move into your new lifestyle so minimizing distractions will help you immensely. Using your morning routine and tidy workspace to begin, carve out specific work hours the best you are able. While you are in ‘work mode’ stay away from checking the most recent update on the news or the latest stock market numbers until your next allotted break period.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still

Chinese proverb
  • Don’t lose touch – Practicing social distancing doesn’t mean you should not be connecting with people at all. There are great apps like FaceTime, Zoom, Google Duo and more that allow for face to face time (virtually) for anything from a client meeting to coffee with a friend.

A normal workday is not so normal anymore and people are juggling full time jobs, children out of school, isolation and shelter requirements, and grocery store trips all while trying to stay healthy in mind and in body. These tips can help to balance the changes happening in work life and home life, but it is most important to remember that people are under stress and starting your day with gratitude as well as remembering to practice daily kindness to one another and compassion for their situation will help us get through this together.

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